
Unsere Herzen sind in Kairo

04.02.2011   Lesezeit: 3 min

Die Versammlungen der Hunderttausenden auf dem Tahrir-Platz in Kairo werden sich als kollektive Bilder ins historische Gedächtnis einschreiben. Sie symbolisieren den Wiedereintritt des freien Citoyen in die jüngere arabische Geschichte:

Teil dieser arabischen Emanzipationsbewegung sind auch unsere Partner und Kollegen des People´s Health Movement (PHM). In Ägypten bilden sie die Koalition für das Recht auf Gesundheit. Einer von ihnen ist A., der mit vielen auf dem Tahrir-Platz ausharrt. Er schrieb uns und allen Kollegen des PHM in Indien, Pakistan oder Vietnam u.a. folgendes:

"Das Drama auf dem Tahrir-Platz haben einige tausend junge Leute geschrieben. Darunter mein Sohn, meine Nichte, meine Schwester. Die Jugend hat eine Revolution gegen die Allianz aus Bereicherung und Totalitarismus begonnen. Es zeigt sich, dass der Kampf um Demokratie nicht von dem Kampf um sozioökonomische Teilhabe zu trennen ist. Wir brauchen dringend alle Formen von Solidarität."

medico international steht in engem Kontakt mit seinen Partnern in der Region von Ägypten bis Israel, die alle auf der Seite der Demokratie-Bewegung stehen und jede Möglichkeit der konkreten Solidarität nutzen.

Zur Verbesserung der humanitären Situation von verletzten Demonstranten hat medico international 10.000 Euro aus seinem Nothilfe-Fonds zur Verfügung gestellt.

Mehr zu den aktuellen Entwicklungen in Ägypten finden Sie auch in den medico-Blogs:

  • Ereignisse der Freiheit. Im medico-Hausblog.
  • Solidaritätsbekundung der medico-Partner „Ärzte für Menschenrechte – Israel“. Im Israel/Palästina-Blog.



Der vollständige Brief aus Ägypten an das People´s Health Movement

Dear R.,
I wrote a letter to PHM but had no access to internet, the letter is even now a bit old after the heroic battle of Tahrir square in which one of the biggest drama's of history was written by a few thousand young people against all the forces of evil that the regime put against them, starting from molotov coctail boms, stones, up to snipers who killed at least as reported 5 of the young people. My daugher, the son of my brother my sister, were all there. This battle in which the youth started was a revolution against the alliance between wealth and totalitarianism as all people call it. I assert that all the struggles of the past years played their roles in paving the road and accumulating to produce this huge historically unprecedented revolt in Egypt. The struggle for the right to health care that we have waged in all governorates has played a role to show the evil of this alliance, as it showed that we can not separate the struggle for democracy from the struggles for the right of people to socio-economic rights.

I have to go down now to join our comrades in Tahrir square, we will either die fighting or this evil regime will be accountable.

Please send this message to all our colleagues in PHM. And thanks for your support. We need it, we need badly all types of solidarity.

your comrade and friend,
Member of PHM and the Egyptian National coalition for the Right to Health


Solidaritätserklärung unserer langjährigen Projektpartner im Libanon AMEL:

Follow-up committee of civil society organizations in Lebanon condemns the attacks on the opposition demonstrators in Egypt

The follow-up committee for civil society organizations in Lebanon is following the current events in Egypt with a deep concern, for in the past days, 6 people were killed by the regime loyalists and around 1000 peaceful protestors were injured, during the clashes in Tahrir square.

We do consider this as an act of abuse, for violence is being exercised against peaceful demonstrators. The follow-up committee of civil society organizations in Lebanon seconds the Egyptian people, and its youth and calls upon all humanitarian international organizations that defend the right of peoples to self-determination to have a clear position regarding the practices of this regime that organized this barbaric attack against the protesters since 9 days, and lost all the international support. As we also urge the international community to pressurize and call for an immediate change in the Egyptian regime in order to meet the legitimate aspirations of the Egyptian people towards a democratic and free system.


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