10 years Rojava
From a democratic experiment to a beacon of hope for the region
On July 19th 2012 the military forces of the weakened Baath regime withdrew from Kobanê, also because of local protests. Kurdish forces took over the administration. It was the beginning for the takeover in other parts of the region as well. The democratic experiment, as medico international described the developments in Rojava at the beginning, has meanwhile turned into an autonomous self-government (Autonomous Administration North-East Syria AANES). The idea of an own Kurdish national state has developed to a so-called democratic confederal system in which minority rights, equality, ecology, and democracy are the guiding lines. Ten years after the peaceful takeover of Kobanê, it is now time to take stock together and discuss perspectives.
Conference "10 years Rojava"
on 10 and 11 September 2022 | medico-house Frankfurt am Main – Lindleystr. 15

The Syrian uprisings of the democracy movement in 2011 also started something for the Kurdish minority in northern Syria (in Kurdish: Rojava) that persist until today. The democratic experiment, as medico international described the developments in Rojava at the beginning, has meanwhile turned into an autonomous self-government (Autonomous Administration North-East Syria AANES). The idea of an own Kurdish national state has developed to a so-called democratic confederal system in which minority rights, equality, ecology, and democracy are the guiding lines.
On July 19th 2012 the military forces of the weakened Baath regime withdrew from Kobanê, also because of local protests. Kurdish forces took over the administration. It was the beginning for the takeover in other parts of the region as well. This was followed by a cruel war against the Islamic State (IS), which is still violently embedded in people's collective memory until today. Despite all the adverse circumstances, threats and attacks by turkey, a hopeful civil society has emerged and a democratic self-government was created and a new model of society developed, which was joined by majority Arab areas such as Raqqa, Tal Abyad and parts of Deir-Ez-Zor after the crushing of IS. … read more
Program of the conference "10 years Rojava"
Saturday 10 September 2022
10am - Opening and welcoming
Mayor of Frankfurt Dr. Nargess Eskandari-Grünberg (Green Party)
Introduction “10 years of Rojava – Looking back in a time of world disorder”
Speakers: Martin Glasenapp (Former speaker on the Middle East for medico international), Christin Lüttich (Adopt a Revolution), Nilüfer Koç (Co-Chair Kurdish National Congress)
12.00 – 12.30
From the Kurdish Nation-State building idea to Democratic Confederalism – as an alternative to the paradigm of a centralized Nation-State
Speaker: Dr. Dilar Dirik (online - Sociologist at the University of Oxford), Dr. Nazira Gorey (assyrian spokewomen)
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 – 15.30 The progression of the self-government – a critical abstraction
Speakers: Abdulkarim Omar (The co-chair of foreign relations department AANES), Ercan Ayboga ( Rosa-Luxemburg Foundation), Dr. Sardar Saadi (Director of the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Rojava), Kristin Helberg (Journalist, Political Scientist and Expert of Syria)
15.30 – 16.00 break
16.00 – 17.30 pm
Climate change and water policy as warfare
Speakers: Egid Ibrahim (Right Defense Initiative-RDI, Rojava), Nick Hildyard (The Corner House, UK), Kathrin Henneberger (MdB Green Party)
17.30– 18.00 break
18.00 – 19.30 pm
Conclusion Panel: Between international recognition, geopolitical interests, and military threat
Speakers: Îlham Ehmed (Syrian Democratic Council), Thomas Schmidinger (Political Scientist, Social and Culural Anthropologist), Kamal Chomani (Kurdish Peace Institute)
Sonntag 11. September 2022
10.00 – 11:30
Rojava under threat: from military exports to drone warfare
Speakers: Jan van Aken (works on international conflicts at the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation), Matthias Monroy (Activist and member of the editorial board of the magazine 'Bürgerrechte & Polizei/CILIP’), Chloé Troadec [founding member and former Rojava Information Center]
11.45 – 13h The Great Burden: On Dealing with (international) ISIS members/fighters and the Responsibility of the International Community
Speakers: Adnan Khalil (Purity, Rojava - online), Thomas Schmidinger (Political Scientist, Social and Culural Anthropologist), Dr. Markus Sehl (online - deputy chief-editor Legal Tribune Online)
13-14h break
+++ Video message from Düzen Tekkal (HÁWAR.help) +++
14-16h Defending human rights: Justice for the victims of war
Speakers: Egid Ibrahim (online - Right Defense Initiative-RDI, Rojava), Andreas Schüller(ECCHR), Kamal Sido (Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker), Katrin Langensiepen [MEP Green Party ]
16-16.15h break
16.15 – 17.45h
“10 years of Rojava” - Perspective Rojava ?!
Speakers: Îlham Ehmed (Syrian Democratic Council] , Anita Starosta (medico international), Kristin Helberg (Journalist, Political Scientist and Expert of Syria)
The program will be continuously supplemented in the course of the coming weeks.
The conference will take place in presence at the medico-House, Lindleystr. 15 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany

The conference is organized in cooperation with the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, which has accompanied the self-government in Rojava for many years with public events and various analyses
The event will take place in presence in Frankfurt. The discussions will be recorded and can be watched later at medico's YouTube channel.
About the conference "10 years Rojava"
The Syrian uprisings of the democracy movement in 2011 also started something for the Kurdish minority in northern Syria (in Kurdish: Rojava) that persist until today. The democratic experiment, as medico international described the developments in Rojava at the beginning, has meanwhile turned into an autonomous self-government (Autonomous Administration North-East Syria AANES). The idea of an own Kurdish national state has developed to a so-called democratic confederal system in which minority rights, equality, ecology, and democracy are the guiding lines.
On July 19th 2012 the military forces of the weakened Baath regime withdrew from Kobanê, also because of local protests. Kurdish forces took over the administration. It was the beginning for the takeover in other parts of the region as well. This was followed by a cruel war against the Islamic State (IS), which is still violently embedded in people's collective memory until today. Despite all the adverse circumstances, threats and attacks by turkey, a hopeful civil society has emerged and a democratic self-government was created and a new model of society developed, which was joined by majority Arab areas such as Raqqa, Tal Abyad and parts of Deir-Ez-Zor after the crushing of IS.
medico has accompanied Rojava from the beginning. IDP (Internal Displaces People) aid, the development of the health system and human rights work are still focal points at the work of medico partners on the ground.
Ten years after the peaceful takeover of Kobanê, however, the "democratic experiment of Rojava" is more than threatened. Announcements of a new military attack by Turkey affect local developments. Furthermore, Turkish drone attacks have been taking place in the border area for months. In addition, there is an imminent water shortage due to drought (climate change) and limitation of the inflow by Turkey. Furthermore, the question of how to deal appropriately with the more than ten thousand (international) IS fighters and their relatives remains unresolved. Dealing with human rights crimes and justice are also open processes in the region. Until today there is no political perspective for the region - and the lack of international recognition is an unsolved problem on several levels, particularly serious in the area of humanitarian aid.
On the weekend of September 10-11, we want to follow these developments in individual panels and discuss possible perspectives together with representatives from Rojava, international academics, experts and politicians from Germany.